Feel better – live well.
Marianne is a highly qualified Naturopath & Nutritionist in Brisbane with many years experience in treating clients for a variety of health issues. Marianne believes good health is an important part of feeling motivated about life and is passionate about helping you achieve your health goals. She understands that every client is different and will tailor each treatment plan to your specific needs to get long term results.
One of the underlying principles of naturopathic practice is the belief that the body has an innate ability to heal and attain better health. This principle can be applied to almost all health conditions, acute and chronic, and also to aid the prevention of disease. If you have an existing condition requiring medication, natural remedies can still be beneficial and are often used as an adjunct or to reduce medication side effects.
Book in with Marianne:
Mobile 0417875718
Email: mlrharold@hotmail.com
Services We Offer:
Naturopathy, Nutrition & Dietary Planning, Herbal Medicine, Lymphatic Drainage & Yoga
In Clinic and Zoom consultations are available.
Conditions Treated:
Marianne has assisted clients experiencing a range of health conditions, but has a particular interest in:
- Perimenopause & Menopause Management
- Female Sexual Health – vaginal & vulva health
- Female Hormonal Health: PCOS, PMS, Endometriosis
- Digestive Problems and Detoxification
- Chronic Gut Disorders: IBS, SIBO, IBD, Crohns, Diverticulosis
- Stress & Depression: fatigue, insomnia & depression
- Lymphatic Drainage Massage for detoxification, post surgery and lymphodema.
- Yoga & Relaxation therapy, Trauma Yoga

Marianne is a current member of the Australian Natural Therapists Association. Health Care rebates and full HiCaps facilities available.