The benefits of yoga on heart health are often overlooked
Yoga is better known for its relaxing effects and overall health benefits but more and more the signs are pointing to yoga as the best way for men and women to take charge of their cardiovascular health and ‘love’ their heart.
Studies have suggested that the incorporation of yoga into exercise regimes increases heart endurance, oxygen usage, decreases heart rate and lowers blood pressure. These effects can assist individuals with or without heart conditions by improving heart functionality and providing a supportive environment for the heart.
The breathing styles found in yoga are of significant value to improving heart health
Stress and depression actually weaken the heart: a recent study in 2011 documented that it evaluated that the breathing styles used in yoga are able to decrease the negative effects of stress on the heart. This study was done by using a Bio feedback device which simulates the rhythmic breathing associated with yoga.
The results showed that the breathing styles of yoga are able to reduce the strain that is put on the heart in stressed individuals as well as providing a positive change on heart rate that is often altered with increased stress levels.
According to Charles MacInerney, a teacher of yoga in cardiac health, hypertension can also be reduced through correct breathing. He states that when the exhalation is longer, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over which lowers the heart rate and blood pressure. On the other hand a longer inhale stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and increases energy.
Yogic breathwork allows a controlling of the ratio of the two systems.
Alongside heart health and stress, yoga has further benefits for individuals suffering with mental conditions such as insomnia, depression and anxiety. A study in 2004 reported that regular yoga sessions including physical postures, meditation and breathing exercises are able to reduce depression related symptoms in mildly depressed individuals. The same study further concluded that there was improved mood, decreased levels of stress hormones, reduced negative mental states and reduced fatigue in depressed and non-depressed individuals.
Incorporating yoga into your lifestyle can be vital to improving overall wellbeing. In addition, it can also act as a preventive measure to potential heart conditions as it has been shown to improve the functioning of the heart by reducing the strain and negative implications of stress associated with busy lifestyles.